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Do you often have this pain in your knee, elbow,  fingers? Do you always have difficulty straightening or folding your leg or arm when you wake up in the morning?  It may be Arthritis!


Arthritis is a painful swelling (inflammation), stiffness of the joints of the body.  It's actually not a single factor but combination of several factors. Arthritis can affect all people, irrespective of age or race. Two or more bones meet to form a joint and a joint is made of several tissues. Arthritis therefore is a disease which affects the joints of the body. The pain and discomfort can range from mild to severe depending on the stage of it's development.


This condition develops when a dysfunction in the immune system causes the body to attack its own tissues in the joints leading to inflammatory  discomfort in the affected joints. Though other factors can lead to it, but it is mostly inherited as a genetic condition. To fully understand this condition,  we will take a look at the types of arthritis!

TYPES OF ARTHRITIS They include but not limited to

 GOUT: When there is a presence of excess uric acid in the body,  this excess will cause an inflammation which ma`y be painful in the affected joints. Formation of gout can result from genetic inheritance of ```an individual, eating of unhealthy foods, and unhealthy alcoholic consumption. Addiction to illicit drug use and aging may also be cause this.

OSTEOARTHRITIS Roughening of a tissue called "cartilage” in the joints may lead to having excess amount of fluid in the joint and making the joint to loose it's shape resulting in inflammation. Osteoarthritis is more common among the females and can begin without any serious pain in the hips, knees and back joints.


A dysfunctional immune system can also pose a problem! Immune system is a  protective mechanism that protects the body from the consequences of the presence of pathogens which cause diseases to the body. It does this by  sending certain biochemical substances to those parts of the body under attacks.

But sometimes when these chemicals are sent to  joints,  they turn around and attack the joint tissues instead of defending it thus causing this type of arthritis called rheumatoid arthritis. The resulting inflammation cases the many discomfort in the joint which may include pains, stiffness, inability to move joints freely among others.



Although continuous use of any parts of the body can tire out the affected part, however, when the discomfort is painful and locating at a joint, then great care should be taken and the pain should be taken seriously.

WHAT TO DO? First of all a proper understanding of the nature of the pain is essential and what triggers it. What is the particular time,  season or after doing what kind of work do you often have the pain? Find a qualified occupational orthopedic to properly examine your condition.  Then stick to whatever treatment sessions he has to put you through. Sometimes a good massage of the affected joint can help. The use of conventional,  recommended pain killers can also deal with the pain and brings relief. You only have to stick to the advice of your doctor on this! On your own,  you can cut down on certain foods that might add to your weight. Overweight is number one suspect when it comes to arthritis and other bone and joint related health issues.

STIFFNESS OR IMMOBILITY OF THE JOINTS : this is another very common symptom of arthritis. Here, the sufferers often experiences a stiffness of the hand,  leg or any of the affected joint.  It can be painful or without pain but goes away after a while. It could also happen as one tries to get up from a sitting or lying position especially after being there for a long time as the affected gets accustomed to one position for a very long time,  thus a sudden change is not possible as the joint tissues becomes stiff.


Avoid getting up, or straightening the body suddenly, a good massage of the legs,  arms and the affected parts before trying to get up might help. Proper choice of clothes to wear will help if the symptoms is related to cold etc. You might also check and plan your diets as wrong diets can lead a lot of arthritis-related challenges in the body. Therefore,  a healthy body needs healthy diet choices. Getting a suitable exercise routine is another very applaudable suggestion,  getting at least thirty minutes work out every day will help keep the body fit and a sound rest will compensate for energy expended. That balance will help to loosen up the joints and reduce the cramps in those joints.

REDNESS OF THE AFFECTED JOINTS: In some cases, sufferers may experience redness in the affected joints of the body due to arthritis. This is due to the inflammation of the tissues within the affected joints accompanied by discoloration of the skin in the area. This can also go with loss of feeling too.

WHAT TO DO : In situations where the redness is accompanied by swelling of the joints, you can visit a qualified physiotherapist for treatments. For the pains and the redness, treatment may include drugs, ointments and massaging.  But like earlier said, if the pain still won't  go away after a while, consult an occupational physiotherapists a proper medical attention.

SWELLING OF THE JOINTS : Another very common symptom of arthritis is the swelling of the affected joints. This swelling is due to the inflammation of the tissues of the joints as well as over secretion of fluids in the joints.  Continuous accumulation of this fluid will make the joints to swell producing discomfort to the sufferers. The swelling also go with pains and stiffness of the joint depending on the stage of the disease.


Firstly, one has to watch out to know the time this swelling is experienced. Be it in the morning when waking up, or after a hard day’s work.  Or after standing or sitting for a long time,  this will in a large extent inform the sufferers on the next line of action in reducing the symptom. Following this, you can then adjust your activities to suit the envisaged outcome. Light exercise, will also be of help. You can also gently  apply pressure to the joint with ice while moving the joints. Avoid sitting down for too long as you take a walk from time to time to enable you maintain a healthy sitting/ standing time.  Certain prescription drugs from your doctor will also suffice, while special ointments can also be of help. Should you have any concern about the symptoms, please see your physician without any delay! 



Adjustment to this condition just like any other disease can be a nightmare, especially among new sufferers. But it is very important to note that timely intervention is key to excellent management. 

If and when the condition is diagnosed on time, the chances of recovery,  even a permanent cure becomes greater. However, getting a timely diagnose depends on whether the sufferer makes attempt to consult a doctor for an examination and diagnose. Therefore, seeking a medical advice for any pain, swelling,   redness of joints that is without an injury is very necessary.

Furthermore, if you had been living a very sedentary  lifestyle, you need to begin to adjust your work, leisure and resting time to be more active than ever before. In addition, the adequate adjustment should be done in the area of work or lifestyle that  demand standing for hours without a compensatory period of sitting and vice- versa

If the condition has degenerated to a level where movements limited or made with a lot of painful effort, care can be taken to place household items, utensils,  food, clothing's etc around sufferers in other to enable easy reach without too much expenditure of effort. As much as possible, movement can be enhanced, using very simple devices such as walker, walking sticks,  wheelchairs etc.

Around the household, family members can adjust so as to provide, necessary assistance where and when dealing with moving heavy objects, doing laundry, dressing  the lawn and other chores that demand power,  swift movement and so on.

Again, necessary adjustment should be made in lifestyle generally. You have to cut down on intake of certain fatty foods, smoking, alcohol consumption among other things. Check to ensure your day-to-day lifestyle is in synch with your health expectation and make a deliberate effort towards maintaining good healthy body.

In addition, developing a positive mindset toward any ailment goes along way in assuring a speedy recovery. The same thing goes for arthritis sufferers.  A positive mindset is a prerequisite for any other treatment or care to be effective.  This is because a positive mindset initiate a release of certain hormones such as dopamine in the body. This release can quicken the recovery of arthritis.  On the contrary,  a negative mindset will produce other biochemical substances like cortisol and adrenaline otherwise known as stress hormones will aid or delay a possible cure for your arthritis among other diseases. On this note, keep faith,  believe that you will get over it and go for your life’s dreams and aspirations. This positive  energy will bring you a relieve if not a complete cure.!

In conclusion, remember that getting an expert advise from your healthcare providers around is key to managing arthritis, and make sure you follow your doctor’s guide in its entirety. 



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